Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Poem Which Offers Insight into the Genesis of the Magazine


America,  half blind to speak
                     half deaf to hear—

                     your sights
                     unseen by lauders,
                     unheard by faithful.

America   what a pernicious fulcrum you're resting on:

                    what listless actors,
                    what hollow audience.

America   your rouge is smudged,
                    your mascara drippy.

'America   woke me up
                    in a dream,
                    said I had been writing
                    in my sleep.
                    It made Her cry.
                    There was an academic
                    executioner turned exiler
                    and America left me
                    for my best friend.'

                    Something's been lost;
                    the world is trembling—
                    my skin is trembling
                    from hearing words
                    that can never be written again...

                    (and there was so much else that needed to be said then,
                    and now—nation of perpetual noise—
                    now—June 3rd, 2011—
                    now, words have learned to fly off
                    on wings of lacerated tongues.)

                    Look, this responsorial
                    need not be an empty page,
                    and even if it's true that nothing can ever really be said,
                    I'd sooner suffocate from manic exasperated attempts of expression
                    than become a drunken hermit
                    in my cave of things and cynicism.

                    You've stiffed yourself

                     are you imaginary?
                     are you Santa Claus?
                     are you Hallmark?
                     are you Disney?
                     are you Pornography?
                     are you a Rock?
                                      a Dimesack?
                                      a Used Bottle of Hair Bleach?

America   are you dieing?
America   why aren't you answering?

America   I saw you disregarded
                    in a thrift store bin.
America   I hear an echo.

America   no one cares about flying or burning
                    your flag anymore;

                    cops are no longer pigs,
                    except we are all still niggers and spics.

America   can't you write a love song anymore?

                     Is it true that only bad guys carry guns? 
America   have you come up with a good enough slur for the muslims yet?

                     'Have you heard?
                     They stopped playing
America   on the radio.'
America   will you turn that shit off!?

America   my car's broken down again.
America   yesterday your stock was up 26 and ¾ points.

America!  your children can buy adventure on the internet now.

America   are you a sum of people—
                    of personal minimum wage celebrities?
America   I don't want to pay taxes;
                     I want a 3D HD Flatscreen TV.

America   what's a suspension bridge?
America   what is a bundled derivative?
                     Wikipedia can't quite tell me...

America   what do tulips look like?
                      Who you callin' faggot

                     When did you start wearing a bra
America   when will dinner be ready?

America   when did you get “GRIME”
                     tattooed on your placid thighs?
                     Did you stop working out?
                     You're arms are getting pretty flabby.

America   I'm having problems
                     keeping my eyes open,
                     how much for a cup of coffee?

                    Why aren't you saying anything?

                     Though tainted and diseased
                     with corn manure poison,
                     your aquatic veins are still pulsing
                     and I swear I've heard them sing

                     but the speakers are blown out
                     and the repairman's out of business.

                      Poetry is not commodity,
                      MFA will not save you:

                     Love is not commodity,
                     I lost
                     rose lip
                     idol eyes
                     in a sea of
                     rose lip
                     idol eyes

                     and it only cost me 11.99
                     and one day perusing boutiques,
                     treading through malls,
                     wondering why they don't hire life guards
                     to protect 14 year-old catalog girls
                     and their “are you going to rape me now?” mouths.

                     God is not commodity
                     I see you, you naïve atheist,
                     you capitalist christian bastards.

                    Words are scary
                    but please, please listen to them again,
                    please speak them again.

                    You're gonna leave me looking foolish,
                     begging for your lips and earlobes

America,  please.

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